The IATSE Member Census was created to ensure the union’s actions and priorities reflect the needs and experiences of the membership.
The purpose of gathering this information is to provide Locals and the International with the most current and accurate membership data that can help inform decision-making, bargaining, organizing, and political and legislative actions.
To our members who have already taken the census, thank you. To anyone who has yet to take the IATSE Member Census, we have compiled our most-asked questions since the launch to help assist you.
Click here to take the IATSE Member Census.
What will the information gathered in the 2023 IATSE Member Census be used for?
The information and data gathered from the Member Census will help the International gain valuable insights into the membership that will help ensure future actions reflect the union’s membership and empower the union to better advocate for member’s rights and interests.
What if I took the Member Census before the July 17 relaunch?
If you completed the Member Census between the July 10th initial launch and July 17th relaunch, you DO NOT need to take it again.
I’m a member of multiple Locals. How many times should I take the Member Census?
You will need to only take one (1) Member Census, even if you are a member of multiple IA Locals. Members will not be able to take the Census more than once.
How long does the Member Census take?
The IATSE Member Census was designed to be completed in just a few minutes.
Where do I take the IATSE Member Census if I am an active member of the IA but did not receive the email link?
Click here to take the 2023 IATSE Member Census: https://sri.cornell.edu/iatse/ or scan the QR code below.

I am having trouble accessing or completing the Member Census.
If you are unable to access the IATSE Member Census or are experiencing issues completing your Census, please contact Cornell ILR Research Director for Worker Rights & Equity, Anne Marie Brady.
Click here for the contact form.
My browser froze/ I was having internet connectivity issues while taking the Member Census. What should I do?
You can refresh the link and be able to complete your Census.
The Member Census is asking for my contact information. Will my information remain confidential?
Yes, your participation in the 2023 IATSE Member Census is strictly confidential. Your information is encrypted and will be analyzed by Cornell University’s Worker Institute.