The Board of Directors of IATSE Local 871 is calling for the immediate resignation of Los Angeles City Council members Nury Martinez (District 6), Kevin De León (District 14), and Gil Cedillo (District 1) following the surfacing of racist remarks made with former LA County Federation of Labor President Ron Herrera at the LA County Federation of Labor offices in 2021. Mr. Herrera has already resigned, and we are asking that the City Council members involved follow suit.
These comments continue to sow division, demean and disenfranchise people of color and are unacceptable. They are a clear example of how leadership can be complicit in institutionalized racism. There are no words strong enough to condemn this behavior, so we are instead calling for action in the form of immediate resignation.
This moment echoes racist sentiments that have remained entrenched in the labor movement for far too long and remain pervasive in American life today. We acknowledge this painful history and are committed to building a labor movement free of these sentiments. We will continue to evaluate how to constructively use our resources and contributions moving forward to negate racism especially as it intersects with our organization and members.
As we work through this arduous moment, we hope that swift action will clear the path to rebuild the labor movement in a way that accurately reflects the values and diversity of its members.
Please find the California IATSE Council statement on the matter below: