Hello again! It’s Jed from IMDbPro and I’m back to share some more information to help you make the most of your time on IMDbPro. My first piece was about taking advantage of your IMDbPro Name Page to promote your career and position yourself for the projects you want. This time I’ll be shifting the focus to how you can use IMDbPro to stay up-to-date on industry updates using IMDbPro Track.
What is IMDbPro Track?
There’s A LOT of noise in the entertainment industry that we all have to sift through to get to what’s important to us. Our Track feature helps do the sifting for you. You can track the people and titles relevant to your career so that you’re notified when new information is available. You can also customize your preferences to only get the updates you care about. So whether you want to know when someone specific is mentioned in the trades, an update is made on IMDb, or someone has a new agent, Track can help you stay in the know.
How does Track work?
Whether visiting IMDbPro on your computer or our iOS / Android app (yes, we have an app!), you’ll notice a “Track” button at the top of Name and Title Pages. When you track people, you’ll get notified when they attach to a title, change companies, have a new talent rep or manager, or when there’s been a news story about them. When you track titles, you’ll get alerts on key cast or crew attachments, production status changes, and when the title is mentioned in the industry trades. Once you’ve selected some titles and people to track, you’ll start to notice a red notification dot in your IMDbPro inbox when there are new updates related to items you are tracking. If you haven’t already, try tracking some IMDbPro pages and then check your inbox to see the related updates and news stories.
Can I limit the information I want to track about a person or title?
Absolutely! We understand that depending on your career and role within the industry different information may or may not be important to you. When you click the “Track” button on a Title or Name Page to follow it, click the button again to reveal a drop down menu where you can select what type of information you want to be updated on.
Information you can track for film and TV titles:
- Cast Updates – find out when a person is attached to any title, even those in-development to keep your lists up-to-date
- Filmmaker and crew updates – stay informed on who is hired to work behind the scenes
- News articles – if the title is mentioned in the industry trades, you’ll hear about it
Information you can track for people:
- Filmography updates – find out when a person attaches to a title
- Representation updates – if they get new agency representation, you’ll know
- Client updates – have your eye on a certain rep? You’ll know when they’ve added a new client
- Employment updates – find out if they’ve changed where they are working
- News article – if they’re mentioned in the industry trades, you’ll hear about it
Where can I view all the titles and people I’m tracking in one place?
We understand that tracking is not forever. Sometimes a title or person is no longer relevant to your work. At any time you can visit Pages You Track. Here you can manage what pages are still important to you and untrack as needed, ensuring your inbox Track feed stays efficient for your needs.
Can I track myself?
You already are! We understand how important it is to stay informed on your own industry profile, so by default your page is tracked for you. This means that you will be notified any time you’re mentioned in the industry trades or about updates that were made to your Name Page.
Access your IMDbPro Discount
If you’re not yet a member of IMDbPro, don’t forget that you can start with a 30-day free trial. Members of IATSE Local 871 receive a discount of 30%. 871 Members can Login on this site and go to the Member Discounts page for the discount code.
What will I cover next?
Moving forward I’ll be creating more content that highlights different features and tips to help you optimize your time on IMDbPro. If there is a particular topic that you’d like to hear more about, let your administrator know. I’ll be in contact with them to make sure my content is relevant to your work. Well, that’s all for now. Until next time, if you’re hungry for more IMDbPro content, you can follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.